- 陈述和肖像一起构成了一位思想家的独有影像。
- Statement and portrait together form a single image of a thinker .
- 她的画像已取代加拿大绘画在渥太华外交事务大楼的大厅的位置。
- Her portrait has replaced canadian paintings in the lobby of the foreign-affairs building in ottawa .
- 这是一幅当今英国所有奇妙事物和多元文化差异的组合画像。
- It 's a composite portrait of the uk now in all its wonderful , multicultural difference .
- 爱因斯坦是一位标志性人物。
- Einstein is an iconic figure .
- 图2-5显示了这种层次结构。
- That hierarchy appears in figure 2-5 .
- 沃伦女士是一个备受争议的人物。
- Ms warren is a divisive figure .
- 最后的图像进行了折衷处理。
- The final image was a compromise .
- 图像的亮度是之前的两倍?
- Would the image be twice as bright ?
- 旁边的图像是未经处理的。
- The image on the left is unprocessed .
- 我画了三幅田纳西的肖像。
- I did three big portraits of tennessee .
- 他的办公室墙上挂着两幅他所崇拜的政治偶像的肖像。
- His office is adorned with portraits of two of his political idols .
- 通常拍人物肖像时我们应当选择柔和的光线。
- Portraits should usually be taken in soft light .
- 我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。
- I want a tuxedo on the statue .
- 然后,赶快朝已经变成了金塑像的小女儿跑去。
- Then he ran quickly to the golden statue of his little girl .
- 她仍站在河岸,像一座雕像。
- She was standing by the river break like a statue .