- 他们支付了波士顿交响乐团和抽象派艺术展览的巡回费用。
- They paid for tours by the boston symphony orchestra and abstract expressionist art exhibitions .
- 他的第四交响曲和第八交响曲充满了海顿似的幽默和智慧。
- His symphony no 4 and symphony no.8 are replete with haydnesque humor and wit .
- 大脑的发育就好比一首交响曲,每个部分都要合着正确的节拍运作。
- A. brain growth is like a symphony , and all parts must be developing at the correct tempo .
- 看来他闲时创作了120部长笛奏鸣曲,甚至还有四篇短交响乐。
- It seems he found time to compose 120 flute sonatas and even four short symphonies .
- 贝多芬到底写过几部交响曲?
- How many symphonies did beethoven write ?
- 而她丈夫却讨厌交响乐。
- Her husband might hate symphonies .
- 不是每一个期待莫扎特效应的人都找到了它。
- Not everyone who has looked for the mozart effect has found it .
- 海顿曾公开承认莫扎特的歌剧比自己的作品优秀很多。
- Haydn openly admitted that mozart 's operas were far greater than his own .
- 对着肚子里的宝宝放莫扎特的曲子有助于提高宝宝长大之后的数学成绩。
- Playing mozart to your womb will improve your baby 's future math scores .