- 他在交响乐曲的创作上堪称技艺大师。
- In symphonic writing he is the master craftsman .
- 由索福克勒斯创作的《俄狄浦斯王》交响序曲,作品11。
- Symphonic prologue to king oedipus by sophocles , op. 11 1 .
- 父亲为什么会把我逼到蒙娜丽沙面前,并且给我听交响乐?我想这是那种叫做命运的东西。
- Why did father push me in front of mona lisa , and make me listen to symphonic music ? I guess that 's the thing called fate .
- 他们支付了波士顿交响乐团和抽象派艺术展览的巡回费用。
- They paid for tours by the boston symphony orchestra and abstract expressionist art exhibitions .
- 他的第四交响曲和第八交响曲充满了海顿似的幽默和智慧。
- His symphony no 4 and symphony no.8 are replete with haydnesque humor and wit .
- 大脑的发育就好比一首交响曲,每个部分都要合着正确的节拍运作。
- A. brain growth is like a symphony , and all parts must be developing at the correct tempo .