- 尽管世界经济仍处于经济衰退期,阿根廷严重的旱灾也使种植关键农作物的农民损失惨重,统计数字却显示去年国内生产总值(gdp)上升了0.9%。
- They show gdp as having risen by 0.9 % last year , despite the world recession and a severe drought that hurt argentina 's all-important farmers .
- 尽管其房地产泡沫的紧缩以及严重的干旱,但是袋鼠经济仍保持着跳跃似的增长。
- Despite the deflation of its housing bubble and a severe drought , the kangaroo economy keeps bouncing along .
- 小麦期货价格周四大涨,达到两年来最高,原因是俄罗斯方面说将因为严重干旱而禁止谷物出口,让市场对全球谷物供应和食品价格可能受到的影响担忧骤然加剧。
- Wheat futures prices soared thursday to their highest levels in two years after russia said it would ban grain exports due to a severe drought , a move that heightens concerns about global supplies of the grain and the possible impact on food prices .