- 因为鸟类需要比我们多5到20倍的光量来区分颜色,所以这就足够让可怜的maracas变得精神错乱。
- As birds need five to 20 times the amount of light we humans do to distinguish between colours , this was enough to make poor maracas go crackers .
- 为什么地狱的颜色是蓝的?
- Why the hell is the sky blue ?
- 他那双愤世嫉俗的蓝眼睛紧盯着我。
- His cynical blue eyes bore into me .
- 过去吉姆就总是喜欢她穿蓝的。
- Jim had always liked her in blue .
- 展示我的黄色的削刀.
- Show me a yellow sharpener .
- 想象梵高作品中鲜黄的向日葵。
- Imagine van gogh 's paintings of yellow sunflowers .
- 好,把黄戒指放在左边口袋里。
- Good . Put your yellow ring in your left .