- 乡村银行的借款人向世界证明,他们是一群有信用的人,能够掌控一家大型金融机构,他们给全世界数以百万计的人民带来灵感和启发。这样看来,乡村银行为什么不能是一个权力中心?
- The borrowers of grameen bank have proved to the world that they are bankable and creditworthy and capable of controlling a major institution , and they have been the inspiration to millions of people all over the world , so why not a power center .
- 精湛的烹饪艺术盛行全球,中餐烹饪已经名列世界顶尖菜系之林。
- The exquisite chinese culinary art , regarded indisputably as one the world 's finest culinary traditions , has prevailed all over the world .
- “911事件”以后,人们突然发现,恐怖主义已成为当今世界和平与发展的严重障碍。
- After the terroristic attack on " 9.11 " , the people all over the world suddenly realize that the terrorism has become one of the most grievous obstacles for the peace and developments of the present world .