- 有类似古老印记的化石在纽芬兰阿瓦隆半岛的米斯特肯岬角(mistakenpoint),纳米比亚南部,俄罗斯白海,以及五大洲其他超过30个地方陆续被发现。
- Deposits of similar aged forms have been discovered at mistaken point on the avalon peninsula of newfoundland , in southern namibia , the white sea of russia , and more than 30 other locations on five continents .
- 他的工作是熟知的范围,横跨五大洲,30个国家与传记细节在130个艺术家。
- His work is encyclopaedic in scope , spanning 30 countries on five continents , with biographical details on 130 artists .
- 这个房地产开发项目原本要以人工岛的形式,把五大洲搬到繁荣发展的天津附近的贫瘠农地。
- The property development was supposed to bring five continents , in the form of artificial islands , to scrubby farmland near the booming city of tianjin .
- 他们多来自英国和欧洲大陆。
- Most were british or continental europeans .
- 如何解释欧洲大陆的复苏呢?
- What explains the resilience of continental europe ?
- 南极大陆的冰川将持续消融。
- Continental ice will continue to melt .