- 仅仅在洛杉矶的滑冰决赛举行的五天之前,韩国在世界棒球精英赛决赛,一个两国上百万人关注的比赛中输给了日本,它的前殖民主和体育上的对手。
- Only five days before the skating finals in los angeles , south korea had lost the world baseball classic final to japan , its former colonial master and archrival in sports , in a match watched by millions in both countries .
- 2012年的伦敦残奥会,也将成为第一个使用到这个解说信息系统的夏季残奥会,其中有五个项目新加入到系统中。
- London 2012 will also be the first summer paralympic games to use this commentator information system , with five sports added to the system .
- 即便是青少年体育部长拉玛亚德,也指责球队住在五星级酒店里。
- Even rama yade , the junior sports minister , denounced the team for staying in a five-star hotel .