- 由孟加拉国野生动物基金会发布的一张图片中,一只云豹幼崽正坐在兰格马蒂(rangamati)的一个笼子里。
- This handout picture released by the wildlife trust of bangladesh shows a clouded leopard cub sitting in a cage in rangamati .
- 婆罗洲云豹是该岛以及苏门答腊岛最大的食肉动物。科学家称婆罗洲云豹行踪诡秘,大部分时间都呆在热带雨林的树冠上。
- The clouded leopard is the largest predator on the borneo and sumatra islands . Described as very secretive it spends most of its time in the tree canopies of the rainforests .
- 云豹是一种中型的猫,别具特色的大,身上是黑边像云一样的分布,所以它开始和猫有着共同的名字。
- The clouded leopard is a medium-sized cat and is distinctively marked with large , irregularly shaped , dark-edged ellipses that are said to be shaped like clouds , hence both its common and original scientific name .