- 研究人员认为这种现象可被用来测量密度正如他们在(农业与食品化学期刊)所报告的一样他们开始了这项研究摞起了两摞现成的钕磁铁他们被顺磁液体的垂直药瓶分开。
- The researchers twigged that this phenomenon could be used to measure density and , as they report in the journal of agricultural and food chemistry , they set about this task by erecting a stack of two off-the-shelf neodymium magnets separated by a vertical vial of paramagnetic fluid .
- 例如,计算常常对有关资本下跌的假设很敏感,而且倾向于不加以合计:两个基金的合计回报率可能与两个基金各自内部回报率的均值有很大出入。
- For instance , these calculations are frequently sensitive to assumptions about the draw-downs of capital and do not lend themselves readily to being aggregated : the return of two funds taken together may be very different to the average of the individual irrs .
- 过去两周,市场经历了剧烈动荡,我们中的许多人或许希望也能像沃尔顿那样对自己的损失付之一笑。
- Given the wrenching swings of the past two weeks , many of us may wish we could be so sanguine about our own losses .