- 顺着线索,本人奔赴内华达洲的死亡之谷,历经遇盐尸……险被冰冻地下,终于,探知这一切均与秦始皇遣方士渡海寻长生药有关。
- Along the trail , I went to nevada to death valley , after the event of salt , frozen corpse ...... dangerous underground , finally , discovery all of this crossing with the first qin emperor sent alchemist seeking longevity drug related .
- 许可的实施是正当程序原则得以充分体现的一个重要环节,既包括行政许可作出许可决定的程序过程,也应包括事后的许可监控行为。
- Permitting of put into practice include the administrative permission to allow the decidable procedure process , also should include the permission of the after the event supervise and control the behavior .
- 每一个人在事件过后都能变聪明,并且会由于圣保罗大教堂和英国圣公会不知道如何解决公众利益和抗议活动这种不可能完成之事,而对它们、尤其是前者大加奚落。
- Everyone has been able to be wise after the event and to pour scorn on the cathedral in particular and the church of england in general for failing to know how to square the circle of public interest and protest .