- 那时候,东坡何等雅兴,他端着酒杯在月色底下举杯豪饮,通宵达旦,在中秋之夜,大醉之中,望着那浪漫皎洁的明月,想象着仙宫,他的思想感情犹如长了翅膀一般,天上人间自由地飞翔着,反映到词里。
- At that time , how pleased he dongpo , holding a glass in the moonlight drink booze , all through the night , the night of the mid-autumn festival , drunk , watched the romantic shimmer , imagine the asgard , his thoughts and feelings as wings , fly free immeasurably vast difference , reflected in the word .
- 根据生物学观点,所有会飞的动物必须体态轻盈且有宽大的翅膀。
- According to biologic viewpoint , all volant animal must be with lightsome posture and very wide wings .
- 水上的蜻蜓,全身黑色,肚中间有一条金色的腰带,一对翅膀是水晶色的,它像一队护花使者,始终徘徊在荷花四周。
- The dragonflies all with the whole body of black color , flying above the water , only reveal the golden waistbands in middle of their bellies . The pairs of their wings are of the crystal color . They are like a group of flower protecting emissary , always wander all around .