- 乳香是一种香料,在圣殿里敬拜神的时候使用。
- Frankincense was a kind of incense , used to worship god in the temple .
- 后来我我了解到他是一种没药或乳香,它们都是从一种主要生长在也门和索马里的树上提取出来的。
- Later we would learn that it was probably either myrrh or frankincense both of which came from trees found mainly in somalia and yemen .
- 投资兴建冷藏设施让一度兴旺的捕鱼业获得了助益,乳香种植业也同样获益于此,而且乳香种植业在北方的分裂地区邦特兰雇佣了10%的工人。
- The once thriving fishing industry would be helped by investment in refrigerators , as would frankincense cultivation , which employs 10 % of the workers in puntland , a breakaway region in the north .