- 如此混乱的状况使英国政府深感忧虑。
- Such chaos worries the government .
- 这是一项艰巨的工作,但是舍此就是混沌。
- It 's an impossible job , but the alternative is chaos .
- 终于,混沌开始尘埃落定,新的恒星开始显现。
- Eventually , the chaos settles and the new stars become visible .
- 埃及的动乱是该国政治的一个转折点。
- The turmoil in egypt marks a turning-point for that country 's politics .
- 在经济混乱中人们所受的苦难已减少。
- The human misery of economic turmoil has diminished .
- 重建工作本就困难,选举中的种种动乱有可能进一步延迟重建。
- The turmoil surrounding the election risks delaying the hard work of reconstruction even further .
- 伦敦骚乱,因为有人要偷。
- In london they riot to steal things .
- 一些人向防暴警察投掷石块。
- Some threw stones at riot police .
- 防暴警察似乎开始焦躁不安。
- The riot police look twitchy .
- 一个数据会引起社会动荡?
- A statistic could cause social unrest ?
- 那么工作萧条是否会发展为社会动乱呢?
- Could the jobs malaise translate into unrest ?
- 而且他们也不想引发社会动荡。
- And they do not want to precipitate unrest .