- 最新研究表明:药片或药丸的的颜色,形状,口味,甚至名称都影响患者对药物的态度。
- According to recent research the color , shape , taste and even name of a tablet or pill can have an effect on how patients feel about their medication .
- 公元前1760年一份牛定价的历史调查被urglat记录者,汉谟拉比法院的首席抄写员刻在一个粘土碑上。
- 1760 B.c. a historical survey of oxen pricing is stamped onto a clay tablet by urglat the chronicler , chief scribe in hammurabi 's court .
- 如果要阅读rongo-rongo字体的牌匾,必须从左下角开始阅读最下面一行。
- To read a rongo-rongo tablet , you start at the bottom left-hand corner and read along the line .
- 在一本书里提到1994年?
- In a book titled 1994 ?
- 如果这是您的第一本新书。
- This is your first book .
- 在美国itunes商店到底有多少应用向服务器传输用户的地址簿信息?
- How many ios apps in the u.s. itunes store transmit information from the address book ?
- 但这些提议遭到一些人的强烈反对,这提醒人们:海啸过后尽管看上去一片空荡荡,但原有的利益和习惯并未消失。
- Yet such proposals face strong opposition , a reminder that the apparent tabula rasa created by the tsunami does not mean that existing interests and habits have been erased .
- 菲尼克斯学科英语采用美国幼儿园小学同步课程,互动白板教学模式,浸入式教学方法,用英语来学习语言、数学、科学等学科知识。
- Phoenix discipline english uses the american kindergarten elementary school synchronization curriculum , the interactive tabula rasa educational model , plunges the type teaching method , with english discipline knowledge and so on learning language , mathematics , science .
- 休姆说思想就是白板,经验是可以写上去的。
- Hume thought the mind a blank slate ( tabula rasa ) on which experience could be written .