- 解释乙烯在商业上的用途.
- Explain the commercial use of ethene .
- 乙烯利碱性水解后产生的乙烯色谱图。
- Ethene chromatograms after alkaline hydrolysis of ethephon .
- 但如果你将一个苹果和未熟的香蕉放进一个袋子里,苹果释放的乙烯将使香蕉很快可以食用。
- But if you put an apple in a bag with a green banana , the ethylene from the apple will make the banana ready to eat sooner .
- 天然气是制造乙烯的主要原料,而乙烯是制造不计其数的其他产品所需要的基本组成部分,例如生产塑料和轮胎需要用乙烯。
- It is a primary feedstock for ethylene , the building block of countless other products , such as plastics and tyres .
- 有些蔬菜很容易受乙烯影响,其中包括芦笋,西兰花,白菜和黄瓜。
- Some vegetable are easily affected by ethylene , including asparagus , broccoli , cabbage and cucumbers .