- 当然这里假设世界并没有毁灭,并且只有约翰库萨克和其他一些为数不多的“所谓二流”演员存活下来演绎着一些骇人听闻的好莱坞异类电影。
- Of course , that is assuming the world hasn 't ended , with only john cusack and a few other b-list actors surviving to spawn some hideous hollywood mutant race . But I digress .
- 当然这里假设世界并没有毁灭,并且只有约翰库萨克和其他一些为数不多的“所谓二流”演员存活下来演绎着一些骇人听闻的好莱坞异类电影。
- Of course , that is assuming the world hasn 't ended , with only john cusack and a few other b-list actors surviving to spawn some hideous hollywood mutant race .
- 【给不到30岁的读者“科普”一下:《输赢平局》节目邀请二流名人做嘉宾,让他们用马克笔在大纸板上画画。
- [ If you 're under 30 , wld involved b-list celebs using markers to draw on big pieces of paper .