- 第二条退伍义务兵安置工作必须贯彻从那里来、回那里去的原则和妥善安置的方针。
- Article 2 placement of demobilized conscripts shall be carried out according to the principle of returning there where coming from and placing properly .
- 现役士兵股骨颈应力性骨折的遗传倾向。
- Genetic predisposition for femoral neck stress fractures in military conscripts .
- 一些俄罗斯军官也被指将新征士兵卖给反叛者。
- Some russian officers were alleged to have sold their own conscripts to the rebels .
- 私人办公空间是项花费很高的支出。
- Private offices are an expensive addiction .
- •私营公司薪金:16万美元
- • Private firm salary : $ 160,000
- 私有云不仅不会消失,还会继续发展壮大。
- The private cloud won 't go away , but grow bigger .