- 它在举重得到了五枚金牌,射击项目得到了四枚,羽毛球和乒乓球都得到了三枚。
- It also picked up five in weightlifting , four in shooting and three in both badminton and table tennis .
- 他说,针对老龄人群的研究已经表明举重能够促进线粒体健康,但同时温和的耐力训练也可以达到这种结果。
- Studies of older humans have shown that weightlifting can improve mitochondrial health , he said , as can moderate endurance exercise .
- 女子举重自2000年起才被纳入奥运会的比赛项目,目前尚未出现足以担任耐克广告明星的运动员。
- Then there 's women 's weightlifting , which has only been an olympic sport since 2000 , and does not produce nike tank top models .