- 道路延伸至冲绳西北一千英里,从战场上下来的伤病从安逸号和幸运号的巨大的浮动医院转移到离我们营地不远的海军医院来。
- A thousand miles northwest lay okinawa , and the wounded from that battle were being transferred from huge floating infirmaries with names like comfort and mercy to the naval hospital not far down the coast from our encampment .
- 而且这周,恐怖团体伊斯兰马格里布基地组织出现在该地区,迫使这对威尔士夫妇跋涉了1000多英里,来到马里邻国毛里塔尼亚境内避难。
- But at the weekend , islamists allied to al-qaeda over round timbuktu , forcing the couple from wales to flee more than a thousand miles overland to neighbouring mauritania .
- 道路延伸至冲绳西北一千英里,从战场上下来的伤病从安逸号和幸运号的巨大的浮动医院转移到离我们营地不远的海军医院来。
- A thousand miles northwest lay okinawa , and the wounded from that battle were being transferred from huge floating infirmaries with names like comfort and mercy to the naval hospital not far down the coast from our encampment .