- 他和他的同事从心脏上,切下一小片传输血液的主要血管,我们称之为主动脉,并且把它放置在一个特殊的藏有灵敏针头的显微镜下。
- He and his colleagues took a thin slice of the main artery transporting blood from the heart , called the aorta , and placed it in a special microscope containing a sensitive needle tip .
- 有一组病人,共31人,曾患有动脉瘤,但没有诊断出来,后来由于举重导致大动脉破裂,其中10人死亡。
- In a group of 31 patients who had an undetected aneurysm and subsequent torn aorta from heavy lifting , 10 of them died .
- 这些发起人说,他们意识到实施这个建议会引起大批的人们前来检测,但埃列福泰利亚兹说:“不然,就只能接受这个事实:因未知的大动脉扩张,每年都将损失一些年轻的运动员。”
- The authors say that while they recognize implementing their advice would entail screening huge numbers of people , " the alternative is to accept that every year we will lose some young athletes because of unknown enlargement of their aorta , " elefteriades says .