- 对古代国王和精灵王而言有很多零丁昏暗的黄金宝藏他们塑形又打造,也有抓住的敞亮把宝贝藏在剑尖上.
- For ancient king and elvish lord there many agloaming golden hoard they shaped and wrought , and light they caught to hide in gems on hilt of sword .
- 耶和华是上帝;他光照了我们。理当用绳索把祭牲拴住,牵到坛角那里。
- The lord is god , and he has made his light shine upon us . With boughs in hand , join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar .
- 耶和华阿,求你仰起脸来,光照我们。
- Let the light of your face shine upon us , o lord .