- 他们总是接不到球。
- They never received the ball .
- 我连一件去参加舞会的夜礼服都没有!
- I haven 't got a evening dress for the ball !
- 在一些社区,庆祝并不仅局限于这一次舞会上。
- And in some communities , festivities do not end with the ball itself .
- 不要让你的孩子玩耍非粉类的步枪,例如弹丸枪或者空气枪。
- Don 't allow your child to play with nonpowder rifles , such as pellet guns or bb guns .
- 刚好就在从幼虫化蛹之前,个体会排出一个散发恶臭的小球,其中包裹着发育过程中所有的排泄物。
- Just before or after the transformation from larvae into adult bug , the individual releases a very stinky pellet that contains all of the built-up waste .
- 首先,斯金纳把一只鸽子放在笼子里,内置一个自动喂食器,它每隔15秒钟就会放出一个食物丸。
- Skinner would begin a lecture by placing a pigeon in a cage with an automatic feeder that delivered a food pellet every 15 seconds .
- 除能生产浓缩丸、小蜜丸、水蜜丸、糊丸外,特别增强了生产小水丸的能力。
- The ability of producing little water-binding pills is strengthened greatly besides condensed pills , little honey bolus , water-honey bolus and starched pills .
- 那个坏人吃了一颗药丸后静止不动地坐在柱子上直到当初。
- The ill man had a bolus and sat on the colonnade in calmness until now .
- 因此在临床实践中,使用双脉冲团注即可。
- Therefore , double pulse bolus injection can be used in clinical practice .