- 在这段时间里,手机将连续三次给一个sms简易代码发送一串数字。
- During this time , the device will send a string of numbers to an sms shortcode three times .
- 但是,表达一个不容易被描绘的抽象概念时,则可以使用一串代表其发音的字符。
- But to express an abstract idea that can 't be readily drawn , you can use a string of sounds .
- 这样实际文件名中的#将被多个url中的当前字符串代替。
- That variable will be replaced with the current string for the url being fetched .
- 你也可以把一个任务相关的一堆资料塞进一个文件夹。
- You can chunk a bunch of related items for a discreet task in a folder .
- 更糟糕的是,这群干部与一帮乏味的欧洲自由人士为伍。
- Even worse , the cadres were in cahoots with a bunch of soggy european liberals .
- 十年级的时候,他们一帮人在有轨电车上抢走了我的萨克斯管。
- In the tenth grade a bunch of them took my saxophone away from me on the streetcar .
- 如果说这是一场汇率战争,韩国抛出的就是一捆集束炸弹。
- If this is a currency war , then south korea is breaking out the cluster bombs .
- 健康大脑的相关数据形成了一个不与任何疾病簇重叠的簇。
- Healthy brains produced a cluster that did not overlap with any of the diseases .
- 成功的金融市场具有簇效应,能为成片的公司服务。
- And successful financial markets create a " cluster " effect of businesses servicing them .