- 中等收入的就业岗位则大量减少。
- Middle income jobs have cratered .
- 大选将在年中举行。
- Elections are decided in the middle .
- 在我做报道的过程中?
- In the middle of my story ?
- 第二组学生没有被指定期中的最后期限三篇论文都须在课程结束时完成。
- The second group had no intermediate deadlines : all three papers were due at the end of the course .
- 深圳中级人民法院在本周早些时候驳回了这一请求。
- The shenzhen intermediate people 's court rejected that request earlier this week .
- 贝斯特说,确定短期目标也能够帮助员工获得成就感,并促使他们向中长期目标迈进。
- Setting intermediate goals can also help workers derive a sense of accomplishment , and keep pace with longer-term targets , mr. best says .
- 财富在各岛屿间已经发生了变化。
- Fortunes among the islands have changed .
- 制造业只是不在其中之列罢了。
- Manufacturing was simply not among them .
- 福特正是其中之一。
- Ford is among those brands .
- 它们的中间端坐着吉尔吉斯斯坦管理者。
- In between sit kyrgyz administrators .
- 你夹在信仰和职业中间左右为难。
- Caught between your religion and your profession .
- 在两层楼中间是美编室。
- In between the floors was the art department .