- 性等创新方向选择准则,明确了当前声乐教育创新方向应是在现代生物学基础上引入与应用当代心理学知识。
- With the advanceable , rational or functional orientation t aken as the guidelines to be chosen for the innovation , what shall be sure to doat present is to introduce and apply the contemporary psychological knowledge b ased on up-to-date biology .
- 仲裁委员会应有3人,卖方和买方各选一人,选出的这两人再选第三人。
- The board of arbitration shall be composed of three arbitrators , one of whom shall be chosen by seller , one by buyer and third by the two so chosen .
- 多数联储主席将筛选并调整为具有的专业法律知识的人才;一个监管副主席也将被指派到美联储。
- More governors will be chosen for regulatory and legal expertise ; one will be designated vice-chairman for supervision .