- 而我认为,更贴切的术语是“边际效用递减”。
- I would argue that a more pertinent term here is " diminishing marginal utility " .
- 我曾经听过一个观众向另一个观众问的更贴切的问题“他为什讲座?”
- That was a more pertinent question which I overheard one of my auditors put to another once , - " what does he lecture for ? "
- 如果要做一个更贴切的对比,我们可以回到《失眠症》的源头,1997年由挪威导演erikskjoldbjaerg编写并执导的同名影片。
- For a more pertinent contrast case , we can go back insomnia 's source , the 1997 norwegian film of the same name written and directed by erik skjoldbjaerg .
- 这是个和芬兰有关的问题。
- A question relevant to finland .
- 请通知相关部门的主管参加。
- Please notify the relevant section chiefs .
- 因此它变的更少相关连。
- And it 's becoming less relevant .
- 金融学和会计学对于公务员和其他人具有更大的相关性。
- Finance and accounting are taking on greater relevance for civil servants and others .
- 密切相关的社会交互,为雇员和客户双方都建立了一种相宜感。
- Contextual social interaction creates a sense of relevance for both employees and customers .
- 因为有的行业与部分问题并不相关,因此并不一定要回答所有的问题。
- Not all the questions need an answer ; for some industries they may not have relevance .