- 万一这一努力失败了,我担心结局将是保护主义复苏。
- Should this effort fail , I fear a resurgence of protectionism will be the outcome .
- 如果这项新调查描述的无知程度有代表性的话,那么hiv卷土重来的威胁是真实存在的。
- If the level of ignorance depicted in this new survey is representative , the risk of a major hiv resurgence is real .
- 极具讽刺性的是,恰恰就是电话窃听丑闻本身促进了新闻集团的复苏。
- Ironically , it was the phone-hacking scandal itself that catalysed news corp 's resurgence .
- 对任何一个新的利比亚政府来说,恢复石油出口收益都是首要任务之一。
- Reviving oil-export earnings will be a priority for any new libyan government .
- 通用汽车目前还在就恢复向荷兰汽车制造商spykercarsnv出售萨博进行商谈。
- It is in discussions about reviving a saab sale to dutch car maker spyker cars nv .
- 慕克吉预见了一个纾缓通胀、恢复外国投资和稳固公共财政的瑰色时期。
- Mr mukherjee foresees a rosy period of easing inflation , reviving foreign investment and robust public finances .