- 但中产阶层的一切我都心生厌恶,他们老操心着与自己的邻居攀比。
- But I abhor everything about the middle class . In the middle class , everyone is worried about their neighbours .
- 它十分正确地将问题定性为中产阶级对精英之间的问题(而不是中产阶级对穷人的问题)。
- It correctly defines the issue as being the middle class versus the elite ( as opposed to the middle class versus the poor ) .
- 英国社会已经从战后的金字塔结构,即极少数的上层和大量的工薪阶层,演变成菱形结构,其中中产阶层是发展最快的。
- British society has morphed from a post-war pyramid , with a tiny elite , a somewhat larger middle class and a vast working class , into a diamond , where the middle is fattest .