- 关于我们如何使用语言谈论世界,奥斯汀所作的分析详细并且有趣,这种分析在哲学上颇有启发意义。
- Austin ? S analyses on how to talk world with language are in detail and interesting , and it is rather illuminative in philosophy .
- 赫胥黎发现生理学很有意思,部分是因为它的主旨,部分是通过接触艾德里安、拉夫顿、拉什顿、霍奇金和已故的密立根(他们都是圣三一学院的同学)和系里其他的人,他决定专攻它。
- Huxley found physiology interesting , partly for its subject matter and partly through contact with adrian , roughton , rushton , hodgkin and the late g. a. millikan ( all fellows of trinity ) and others in the department , and he decided to specialise in it .
- 编程很有意思是因为我可以做一些很酷的东西,但是实际上让我着迷的却是那一行行代码的语法和语义。
- Programming was fun because I could make cool stuff , but what actually got me obsessed about it was suddenly seeing something interesting in the semantics and syntactics of the very lines of code .