- 实验室中脱胶后的丝蛋白。
- Degummed silk in the laboratory .
- 丝绸由于这一点而在历史上确实占有特权地位。
- Silk indeed occupies a privileged place in history on account of this .
- 成功使他们联想到了利用丝蛋白来制造人工角膜。
- That led to thoughts about how to make an artificial cornea from silk .
- 跟踪系统调用和信号。
- Trace system calls and signals .
- 它可以跟踪,地区、行业和职业之间的变化。
- It can trace shifts between regions , sectors and occupations .
- 当你这么考虑问题时,追踪什么就会有很多不同的选择。
- When you consider this , there are several different options for what to trace .