- 那次轴心国从英国出来去北非的路上,本应从南面和东面一齐攻击俄罗斯,但希特勒“破釜沉舟”的命令在时局扭转时严重地阻碍了东部的战事。
- Had the axis powers finished off the british in north africa first , they could have attacked russia from the south as well as the east . Hitler 's " stand or die " orders gravely hampered the war in the east once the tide turned .
- 由政客普拉博沃苏比按托控股的nusantaragroup之前曾掌控该地区采矿业,努山塔拉集团旗下的6家公司分别持有东加里曼丹省东库台6个划区的采矿许可证,但从未进行勘测。
- The nusantara group , a conglomerate controlled by prabowo subianto , a politician , had previously controlled the mining in that area . Six companies affiliated with nusantara held licences for six blocks in the east kutai district of east kalimantan province , but did not explore for coal .
- 金星的自转方向与地球相反,它是太阳系中唯一自东向西逆转的大行星,因此在金星上出现太阳西升东落的奇景。
- The direction of venus 's rotation is opposite to that of the earth and is the only major planet that travels reversely from the west to the east , as a result of which there appears on venus the extraordinary sight of the sun rising from the west and setting in the east .