- 日本可以做出许多贡献。
- Japan has much to contribute .
- 日本确实有这种技术。
- Japan certainly has the technology .
- 让德国和日本紧随其后。
- Let germany and japan follow .
- songbird是一个全功能的移动和桌面媒体管理套件,带有一键同步的功能。
- Songbird is a full-featured mobile and desktop media management suite with one-button syncing capability .
- 我们自己没有实际的测试songbird,所以我们不知道有否问题,如果有的话,也很快可以搞定。
- We haven 't road-tested songbird ourselves , so we 're not sure how much hacking , if any , it 'll take to get rocking .
- 恐怖分子想要杀死它。
- The terrorists want to kill the songbird .