- 因为他们代表的不仅是东部人们的愿望。
- They do not represent only the east .
- 东德的士兵正在接受训练。
- East german soldiers are training .
- 能源从东方向西方输出。
- Exports flowed from east to west .
- 几天内我就能掌握这部分。
- I could master this within a few days .
- 世界将不会接受一个美国主人。
- The world will not accept an american master .
- 保罗克鲁格曼在这些方面都是大师。
- Paul krugman is a master of them all .
- 打电话给一位成功的工作室主人。
- Call up a successful studio owner .
- 主人大概已经死了。
- Its owner was likely dead .
- 他起诉了大楼的所有者和管理方。
- He sued the building 's owner and manager .
- 哪个城市将主办2020年奥运会?
- Who will host the 2020 olympics ?
- 索罗斯微笑着问这位主办人。
- Soros asked his host with a smile .
- 您可以输入界面名称,ip地址或主机名。
- You can enter interface name , ip address or host name .