- 哪怕是最漫不经心的游客,也能立马感受到小小的卢旺达和非洲其他地方的不同。
- The differences between tiny rwanda and the rest of africa are immediately palpable even to the most casual visitor .
- 马杜赖,印度南部一个充满活力的寺庙城镇。一位普通的游客不会想到这里是医疗改革的温床。
- A casual visitor to madurai , a vibrant medieval-temple town in southern india , would not think it was a hotbed of innovation .
- 如果一个访客偶尔发现,你正在撰写他感兴趣的一个长系列,为了不错过该系列今后的文章,他会考虑订阅。
- If a casual visitor discovers that you are publishing a long series about a topic he is interested on , he will think about subscribing in order to not miss the future posts of the series .