- 公司都会死去,城市则近乎永生。
- All companies die . All cities are nearly immortal .
- 忘了那些昂贵的洗剂和药水吧科学家说,永生的秘诀藏在扁虫里。
- Forget expensive lotions and potions the key to becoming immortal could be found in flatworms , scientists say .
- 根据这项研究,一种永生的动物能指望细胞有能力无限期维持端区长度,这样它们能够不断进行复制。
- According to the study an immortal animal would expect cells to be able to maintain telomere length indefinitely so that they could continue to replicate .
- 它的永恒是由冷漠构成的。
- Its eternity consists of indifference .
- 这是一件他们会永远后悔的愚蠢抉择。
- That is a foolish decision they will regret for eternity .
- 永恒对我来说有什么意义。
- What does eternity matter to me .
- saran在一个记者招待会上发表言论说:“气候变化不应该演变成导致贫困的一种机制。”
- " Climate change shouldn 't become a mechanism for the perpetuation of poverty , " saran said in a meeting with reporters .
- 研究指出氧化压力在心房重塑中扮演著一个相当重要的角色,当心房节律过快时,会造成钙离子聚积,导致氧化压力增加,因而改变细胞内氧化还原的状态,可能会促进心房心律不整的产生及永存。
- Studies on the role of oxidative stress in atrial remodeling have suggested that atrial tachycardia-induced calcium accumulation leading to increased oxidative stress , and thus the resulting changes in the cellular redox state facilitate the genesis and perpetuation of atrial arrhythmias .
- 如果你时不时的感到,这部电视剧在用你生活中不那么在乎的事情来争取你的同情(比如延续一个十九世纪大家族和其财产的使命),那么你的感觉确实是对的。
- And if you feel from time to time that the television series is attempting to enlist your sympathy for a cause that , in your own life , might rank as a low priority ( the perpetuation of a gigantic nineteenth-century house and estate ) - that is indeed the case .