- 底特律韦恩州立大学医学院中风研究项目的医生们调查发现:在57名年轻中风患者中,每7人中就有1人被误诊为眩晕、偏头痛、酒精中毒、癫痫、内耳疾病或其他问题然后没有接受正确治疗就回家了。
- A study by doctors at the wayne state university-detroit medical center stroke program found that among 57 young stroke victims , one in seven were given a misdiagnosis of vertigo , migraine , alcohol intoxication , seizure , inner ear disorder or other problems - and sent home without proper treatment .
- 乍一看来,整个时期,整个世界之情状,无法为历史学冒险家们提供一个安全的庇身处,有的只是弥尔顿式的混乱在一种无可救药的混乱状态下,这首诗就是最好的写照。
- At first sight , the whole period , the whole state of the world , seems to offer no more secure footing to an historical adventurer than the chaos of milton -- to be in a state of irreclaimable disorder , best described in the language of the poet .
- 科学家们称衡量这种无序的系统为熵,所以,热力学第二定律的另一种表达方式即为:熵值随我们宇宙中的时间推移而增加。
- Scientists call the measure of disorder in a system entropy , so another way to state the second law of thermodynamics is to say that entropy tends to increase with time in our universe .