- 索博列夫斯基否认曾有任何不当行为。
- Mr sobolewski denied doing anything improper .
- 其它银行的高管表示,这种做法是不当的。
- Executives at other banks say that is improper .
- 银行迫切希望收回这些贷款,于是纷纷止赎,提交了几千份不正当的书面证词。
- In their eagerness to unload such loans banks have rushed to foreclose submitting many thousands of improper affidavits .
- 将美国和日本放在一起比较似乎是不合适的。
- Comparisons between the us and japan seem inappropriate .
- 财富管理行业一直因推出不适当的产品、以及未能管理风险而饱受诟病。
- The sector has been accused of focusing on pushing inappropriate products and failing to manage risk .
- 事实将证明,恐慌性抛售美国普通股是非常不适当的应对之举。
- And panic selling of u. s.common stocks will prove to be a very inappropriate response .
- 对于过去一年来政界人士及银行业游说团体等特殊利益集团对会计准则制定者施加的“过度压力”,报告也进行了激烈批评。
- The report is also highly critical of the " undue pressure " put on accounting rulemakers in the past year by politicians and special interest groups , such as the banking lobby .
- 这位酋长一口咬定自己并没有影响他们投票,只不过警告过他们,不要受他人的不当影响。
- The chief insisted that he had not influenced their votes , but only had warned them against the undue influence of others .
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