- 上帝的可传达以及不可传达的特质的差别是什。
- What is the difference between the communicable and incommunicable attributes of god .
- 但我还有私人的、怪异的、势利的、无法表达的兴趣。
- But I also had private , weird , snobbish , incommunicable interests .
- 范泰尔这样讨论了上帝所有不可传递属性:他的自足性,不变性,无限性和合一性.
- In this manner van til discusses all the incommunicable attributes of god : aseity , immutability , infinity , and unity .
- 在传统上一直声称,工会的经验和造物主造物是难以形容的和不可言喻,尽管这些经历过谁寻求图像和隐喻来描述,但是不完美的。
- Traditionally it has been asserted that the experiential union of creature and creator is inexpressible and ineffable , although those who have experienced it seek imagery and metaphors to describe it , however imperfectly .
- 瓦格纳,站在贝多芬巨人肩上,找到了一种手段表达那几乎难以表达的感情。
- Wagner , standing on beethoven 's mighty shoulders , found a way to express the almost inexpressible .
- 出色的弦乐编曲、天堂般的歌声、阴暗的气氛,创造了难以言传的萦绕心头的忧郁之美。
- Masterful string arrangements , heavenly voices , sombre soundscapes create inexpressible haunting beauty for the true melancholic at heart .