- 或许如此;然而其成本不比毫无头绪的跌跌撞撞更高,进行试验的成本往往低于人们的想象。
- Perhaps ; although not as expensive as blundering around without a clue , and trials are often cheaper to run than one might think .
- snoopdogg的经理schwartz说,在virtualgreats接触她之前,她对虚拟世界一无所知,然后她和团队开始探索gaia。
- Snoop dogg 's manager , constance schwartz , said she did not have a clue about virtual worlds when virtual greats approached her this year , so she and her team spent a week exploring gaia online .
- 这项遗漏2不单单是统计上的疏忽;它也暗示了政府在考虑如何回应国内外的担忧时,复杂而矛盾的心理。
- This omission is not just a statistical oversight . It provides a clue to the government 's deep ambivalence as it considers how to respond to worries at home and abroad .