- 让读者觉得你是诚恳地为所发生的冒犯而感到抱歉,而不仅仅是我们不得不道歉才说致歉的。
- Apologies , however , should not be flippant . They should leave the reader with the impression that we are genuinely sorry for any offence given , not merely sorry that we had to say sorry .
- 这些世俗无资格认定这种契约无效,而不仅仅是可宣布无效:它们不是解除已经形成的契约,而是将双方根本视为无能力订立任何契约:它们不是将已经结合在一起的人拆开,而是在他们结合之前便进行阻止。
- These civil disabilities make the contract void ab initio , and not merely voidable : not that they dissolve a contract already formed , but they render the parties incapable of forming any contract at all : they do not put asunder those who are joined together , but they previously hinder the junction .
- 凡不履行此命令之城市或区域,应毫不留情,一律火焚诛灭,使之不但人迹不至,即鸟兽亦视为畏途,直达永远。
- Every city and province , without exception , that does not observe this decree shall be ruthlessly destroyed with fire and sword , so that it will be left not merely untrodden by men , but even shunned by wild beasts and birds forever .