- 个人因原车破坏上下班不便、故需求一辆摩托车。
- Oneself commute because of primary vehicle attaint demand of disadvantageous , reason an autocycle .
- 记得当时交通不便我们到大峡谷去度蜜月,一个人各雇了一匹驴子。
- The traffic when remembering becoming is disadvantageous we have honeymoon to big gorge , a person employed a burro each .
- 然而在实践中却暴露出了许多不尽人意的问题,影响了我国企业经济效益的提高,也间接对我国国民经济产生了不利影响。
- However , there were many dissatisfactory phenomena exposed in practice , which influenced the improvement of economic benefits of our country s enterprises , and also indirectly brought about disadvantageous effects on our national economy .