- 他们在低于降落伞的高度上飞行。
- They fly below parachute height .
- 指数低于50表明经济出现收缩。
- A reading below 50 indicates economic contraction .
- 这一数字远远低于期望水平。
- The figure came in well below expectations .
- 请想象以下的思维实验。
- Imagine the following thought experiment .
- 然后完成下面的对话.
- Then complete the following dialogue .
- 用以下问题对自己做一个测试。
- Test yourself on the following questions .
- 在气球下面是很小的钢面控制着导向器。
- Underneath this balloon was the tiny steel sphere holding the pilots .
- 在每个人名下,我都列出了敬佩他的原因。
- Underneath each name I listed the reasons why I admire this person .
- 在钥匙架下面放一个带抽屉的小桌子。
- Put a small table with a drawer underneath it .
- 但是skype在未来会走向何方呢?
- But where does skype go next ?
- 未来会怎么样仍然是一个谜。
- What comes next remains a puzzle .
- 这是下届美国总统必须回答的问题。
- That is a question the next president must answer .