- 下游的问题何为对的技术?
- Downstream problem what is the right tehnology ?
- 通过什么方式服务我们的直接客户和下游客户?
- In what ways do we service our customers-both immediate and downstream ?
- 中下游原材料加工企业将首当其冲感受到本上涨带来的冲击。
- Midstream and downstream processors of raw materials will bear the brunt of higher costs .
- 消费支出下降是暂时的。
- Consumer spending was temporarily down .
- 但是崔西已经下来了。
- But trish was already down .
- 在显眼的地方写下来。
- Write it down somewhere visible .
- 摘要提出了一种应用于下行链路的波束形成新方法。
- A new beamforming method for cdma downlink systems is proposed .
- 中轨和下轨间运行,布林带中轨拐头下行。
- Runs between the rail and lower rail , rail guaitou bollinger band downlink .
- 传输数据到地面站的高速下行链路已经开启,数据被传输至esa在西班牙villafranca的欧洲空间天文中心(esac)。
- The high-speed downlink , which transmits the data to the ground station , was switched on , and data have been transmitted to esa 's european space astronomy centre ( esac ) , in villafranca , spain .
- 帮助小兔子击落的敌人从上面降。
- Help a little rabbit to shoot down the enemies descending from above .
- 1共同的或通常的名称和(如果产品是由两个或两个以上的成分)按比例递减的顺序列出成分;
- The common or usual name and ( if the product is comprised of two or more ingredients ) the ingredients listed in the order of descending proportions ;
- 环状胰腺是指胰腺组织环绕十二指肠降段。
- Annular pancreas refers to pancreatic tissue enveloping primarily the descending duodenum .