- 一个人待着真好,不必面露微笑让自己看起来很愉快;沮丧地凝视着窗外如注的大雨,掉几滴眼泪是一种解脱。
- It was nice to be alone , not to have to smile and look pleased ; a relief to stare dejectedly out the window at the sheeting rain and let just a few tears escape .
- 陈先生将百度视为最大的竞争对手。
- Mr chen cites baidu as his biggest competitor .
- 百度没有透露上述计划的细节。
- Baidu gave no details of its plans .
- 百度率先将这一原则与应用相结合。
- Baidu is the first to combine this principle with applications .