- 法国瑟堡:绿色和平组织立在铁轨上,试图阻止运载铀的火车将货载到开往俄罗斯的货船上
- Cherbourg , france : greenpeace activists chained to a railway line try to prevent the arrival of a train carrying uranium to be loaded on a cargo ship for russia
- 该接口通过配置文件来配置,配置文件决定了要加载的映射文件。
- This interface is configured through the configuration file , which determines the mapping file to be loaded .
- 对于即将被错误装车的包裹,系统会以声音和图像发出警报,以帮助ups避免发送路线错误。
- An audible and visible alert identifies any package that is about to be loaded incorrectly to help ups avoid routing errors .
- 这种步枪是气动式的,装有7.62毫米子弹。
- The weapon is gas-operated , chambering a 7.62mm round .
- 最佳的享用方法是,带着完全开放的心态(就如在晚上享乐时那样)和毅然冒险的味觉。
- The best way to enjoy it is with a totally open mind , as one would an evening 's entertainment , and a resolutely adventurous palate .
- 我一般都会避开那些味道太强烈的东西,倒不是因为怕影响我的味觉,而是我的味蕾太敏感了。
- I tend to steer clear of anything too strongly flavoured , though . Not because it would affect my palate , just because my taste buds are so sensitive .
- 多年前,我初次见到评酒大师罗伯特派克(robertm.parkerjr.)的时候,他讲了一句我永远忘不了的话,“我妻子帕特(pat)的味觉比我好得多。”
- Many years ago , when I first met the wine critic robert m. parker jr. , he told me something that I have never forgotten . ' My wife , pat , has a much better palate than I do , ' he said .
- 该接口通过配置文件来配置,配置文件决定了要加载的映射文件。
- This interface is configured through the configuration file , which determines the mapping file to be loaded .
- 当吊车在上海装载时,穆阿仁拍下了集装箱的编号和吊车。
- Mouazzen photographed this number and the crane when it was being loaded in shanghai .
- 间谍软件和病毒都是在你不知情或不许可情况下加载到计算机上的软件程序。
- Spyware and viruses are software programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge or permission .
- 从磁盘重新加载贴子。
- Reload the posts from disk .
- 在尝试重新加载项目时,将再次启动转换向导。
- When you try to reload projects , the conversion wizard starts again .
- 在尝试重新加载项目时,此向导再次启动。
- When you attempt to reload projects , this wizard starts again .