- 这种安排存在三个问题。
- Three issues arise from this set-up .
- 露丝只有三英寸高。
- Ruth is three feet tall .
- 存在三大主要集团。
- Three broad groups stand out .
- 但是今天世界各地从纽约到旧金山的抗议者发动了春季的示威行动。
- But protestors from new york to san francisco launched their spring offensive today .
- 最近我们还打算在八月份的时候带上我们孙子孙女去圣地亚哥。
- We 're currently thinking about visiting san diego with our grandchildren in august .
- 哈吉斯从女儿劳伦那里得知了山达基圣地亚哥分会为其背书。
- Haggis learned from his daughter lauren of the san diego chapter 's endorsement of it .
- 看她是不是还想威胁别人。
- And if she 's tri to blackmail anybody else .
- 昨晚吐了三次,还上了好几趟厕所。
- I have vomitted three times and made several tri to the bathroom last night .
- 营口三赢塑胶制品有限公司。
- Yingkou tri wins plastic & rubber products company limited .