- 张治太和向华强都没有因为在三合会的活动而被判有罪,向华强曾公开否认参与过有组织犯罪,记者联系到了这两个人的代表,但后者拒绝置评。
- Neither mr. cheung nor mr. heung has been convicted of triad activity , and mr. heung has publicly denied being involved in organized crime ; when contacted , representatives of the two men declined to comment .
- 他后来成为与生养有关的前成为较有名的神,底比斯城的黑社会,其中包含阿蒙。
- He later becomes associated with childbirth prior to becoming the better known god of the theban triad , consisting of amun , mut and himself .
- 采取积极措施堵截黑社会的收入来源,包括非法收数活动。
- D take proactive measures to attack the sources of triad income , including illegal debt collection activities .
- 背景:三个多世纪前,三合会最初是作为朝廷在政治上的反对势力出现的。
- Background : triads first started as political opposition groups more than three centuries ago .
- 何鸿则始终否认与澳门或香港犯罪团伙或黑道有任何关系。
- Mr ho has consistently denied any connections with macao or hong kong criminal gangs , or triads .
- 有组织的犯罪也是如此:香港的三合会和日本的山口组联手贩卖人工合成毒品,哥伦比亚的犯罪卡特尔与俄罗斯和东欧的黑手党一同拓展其犯罪空间。
- So , too , with organized crime : the hong kong based triads and the japanese yakuza have joined forces to market synthetic drugs , and colombia 's cartels cooperate with russian and eastern european mafias to expand the reach of their products .