- 白立方霍斯顿广场分馆很高兴为大家展出国际知名艺术家安塞姆基弗的一次新展览。
- White cube hoxton square was pleased to present a new exhibition by the internationally acclaimed artist anselm kiefer .
- 这个立方体是一种新型的鼠标,当你需要它时,它又可作为演示文稿的工具。
- The cube is a new kind of mouse that doubles as a presentation tool when you need it .
- 白立方已经签下了干诺道中50号一处6000平方英尺店面的三年租约,这座新建的写字楼位于香港的中心商务区。
- White cube has signed a three-year lease for 6000 sq ft in 50 connaught road central , a new office building in hong kong 's central business district .