- 我们接着向前走,我能在墙上苍白的灯光里看到自己的呼吸。
- We walked on , and I could see my breath in the wan lights along the wall .
- 体形瘦弱、苍白憔悴的卡萨伯在审判过程中对证人的证词表现出无比的冷漠,尽管他最近抱怨他的血液中可能被注入了毒素。
- Kasab , a thin , wan figure , has sat through the trial largely indifferent to the testimony , although he has complained recently that his food might be laced with poison .
- 她筋疲力尽,身体虚弱,脸色苍白,但奇怪的是准备再次面对欧洲,已经开始为自己的离开懒洋洋的做着准备:她整理好的包被运往科摩或普罗旺斯或巴伐利亚举办春季午餐。
- Exhausted , frail and wan , but strangely ready to face europe again , she 'd already begun languid preparations for her own departure : her bags had to be packed and shipped to como or provence or bavaria - and the spring lunch had to be organized .